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Good morrow one and all. Apparently, Wales are now an international footballing power. I know!

World Cup Qualification UEFA / Matchday 4
Cardiff City Stadium / 12.11.2016
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Kevin Coulson

Updated 12/11/2016 at 21:40 GMT

And there we are, Serbia outnumbering Wales in midfield to allow for the robbing of Allen. Accordingly, Kostic wades through and drives a low shot - no serious threat, but it might have been.
Serbias are, as they say, executing. Wales have done sweet Wales FA so far.
Long, searching cross from Taylot, venturing down the left, and Nastasic bumps Vokes then heads clear. Beautifully done.

Image credit: Reuters

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Lovely crossfield ball from Obradovic, but Milijoevic can't control. Serbia keep up the pressure, though, Kostic advancing into the box and winning a corner. Tadic is there for it, and drives to the back post, where Ivanovic chelseas through a group of players, losing Chester in particular, and heads goalwards. But Taylor is on the post, and he deflects clear.
It's actually pretty surprising that Serbia reckon their best way to win is by defending deep and breaking. Bale is the best player on either side, fair enough, but there's no reason his pals can't be overpowered and outplayed in midfield.
Gunter advances and comes back inside on his left foot, feeding Ramsey whose poor first touch sets him for a shot. But Arukavina is in immediately, chucking his body at the ball and deflecting it behind for a corner, which comes to nowt.
Serbis are cotching, basically.
Vokes finds Bale just outside the box, back to goal, so he sways right then spins left, turning in the process and working the angle for a right-footed shot. Becuase he's Bale and this is Bales, he's allowed to shoot so does, wellying over the bar.
Wales are stating to find a rhythm. They've not done anything with it yet, but it's all them as regards possession now.
It actually looks like Wales are playing 4-3-1-2, with Bale in the free role. Ramsey is drifting left wherever possible, but I imagine the principal aim is two men in the box whenever they attack.
Ledley's corner is a good one, flat and towards the middle of the crossbar, but Nastasic does excellently to head clear.
Ramsey finds Gunter, who wiggles like a winger and does well to force a corner, given how unwell he does it.
Serbia win a corner down the left, outswung towards the penalty spot where Chester humps clear.
We've only been playing three minutes, but already it's clear this is going to be a tricky night for Wales. Physically, Serbia are not to be mithered, and technically, they know what they're about.
Wales get it to Bale, not too far outside his own box, and he shimmies and shmies till someone has to foul him.
They're saying that Wales can't afford to lose this, but really, they need to win - that Georgia game was their joker.
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It begins.
Wales huddle. It's seriously imposing.
Ashley Williams and Branislav Ivanovic do the diagonal handshake. Williams shakes like they're bredren; loIvanovic shakes like they've never met.