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Good afternoon and welcome to LIVE coverage of Arsenal's opening day Premier League fixture against Crystal Palace from the Emirates Stadium.

Premier League / Matchday 1
Emirates Stadium / 16.08.2014
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Updated 16/08/2014 at 19:23 GMT+1

Ledley wins the ball in midfield and Palace keep the ball between defenders.
Arsenal have the ball in defence, but Palace have already dropped deep.
Kelly sticks his boot through the ball to clear up to the midfield. and Palace win a corner on the right.
Sanchez curls a shot miles wide.
Gibbs wins a corner on the left just inside the box. Cazorla whips a cross in, and Sanogo tries to flick the ball towards goal but it's underhit.
Sanogo hasn't done too badly so far. It would be enjoyable for Wenger and Sanogo particularly if this is a rare recent success of the manager spotting young, cheap talent.
Arteta clips Campbell with a lazy challenge, giving Palace a few minutes to rest and keep the ball.
Sanchez cleverly backheels the ball to Debuchy in space on the right, but Palace clear the cross. The goal looks increasingly likely, but this is Arsenal we're talking about.
Arsenal have had 80% of the ball so far. Dunno what that means, if I'm honest.
Chamakh blasts through Cazorla, I think, in the centre. Do Arsenal like it up em? We will find out tonight, Ramsey has a shot from distance blocked.
Ramsey appeals for a penalty after he is slightly checked by Dann and proceeds to sit on the floor. A grown up would have been able to remain standing there.
Arsenal are dominating the possession, as you might expect. It's a ridiculous couple of days the Palace side have had to endure.
Have to say that after Alexis Sanchez has not scored yet, he has to be genuinely the worst signing of the summer.
Sanchez is crowded out by three players in midfield and Hangeland is penalised for a foul.
Sanchez backheels for Debuchy to run onto towards the byline, but he's unable to find anyone with a cross.
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Chamakh fouls Wilshere in midfield after 22 seconds.
The absolute farce that is a club's social media presence.
If you'd like to find and inevitably abuse me on social media, you can do so on Twitter at @lxndrnthrtn.
A welcome sight for all Arsenal fans, Nicklas Bendtner at another club.
Following Manchester United's shock 2-1 defeat to Swansea earlier today, and with the likes of Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester City all playing later this weekend, Arsenal have the chance to go top with a win here.
Here's something on why you shouldn't have Alexis Sanchez in your fantasy side.