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Evening all. It's the most wonderful time of the year.. ...yes, I know people like Christmas and all that, but come on: absolutely banging football, night after night is better than anything else the seven kingdoms have to offer, and here we are not, right in the middle of it. Ooh yeah!

Europa League / Quarter-final
Stadio Diego Armando Maradona / 18.04.2019
Aggregate score 0-3
Live Updates
Dan Quarrell

Updated 18/04/2019 at 21:56 GMT+1

The players are in the tunnel...
Keown just said Aubameyang is the nearest thing he's seen to Henry in years, and I've no idea what he's on about. Henry played two positions as once, whereas Aubameyang barely plays one - he offers nothing but goals.
Atmosphere is warming in the San Paolo. If Napoli can find an early one, it'll be absolutely jumping.
I wonder what Arsenal plan to do in the summer. Looking at their team, there aren't many, if any, who look good enough to play a central role in a title challenge. Emery has himself a huge job in that aspect, and it's hard to see that happening in the short to mid-term.
Apparently the first goal is going to be important. More news as I get it.
Keown is interesting on Ramsey, saying that when he arrived at Arsenal, Wenger said he'd never seen energy like it but that he needed to work on his technique, which he's not done. He's looked the complete midfielder recently, putting in a shift, creating and scoring. Juve is a terrific move for him.
Sokratis says that Arsenal played well for the first hour against Napoli and thinks it's important that they kept a clean sheet. He thinks the second leg will be a difficult game and that Arsenal need to be focused. It's great stuff, I can tell you.
Assuming Arsenal make it through tonight and I think they will, at what point do they prioritise top four or Europa League? Do they prioritise? On the one hand, they're nicely positioned for the former, but on the other if their away form doesn't suddenly improve they'll miss out - and you don't get a European trophy for your league position unless you come first.
Napoli's formation is quite nicely set up to take advantage of Arsenal's: 4-4-2 means that it's two strikers against three defenders in the middle, and the full-backs and wingers and gang up on Arsenal's wing-backs.
Oh good, John Hartson is in the ground.
The problem for Napoli is that if Arsenal score, they need to get four. Which serves them right for playing so badly in the first leg. On the other hand, if they score first, Arsenal will feel the pressure and, as George Graham told his players on May 26 1989, if it's 0-0 at half-time, that's not a problem.
Who saw that video and immediately heard this...
On BT, they're saying that Emery has picked an attacking team, but I'm not sure about that. Sure, he's picked two attackers, but in midfield, he's got defenders and defensive players - basically, the entirety of the creative burden is on Aaron Ramsey. He's been brilliant lately, and if you're not an Arsenal fan, it's exceedingly amusing that he's leaving.
Emery says Arsenal wanted to score more goals last week, and basically nothing else.
"If we can match what our north London rivals did last night we're gonna have some evening," says Martin Keown. Who's gonna tell him?
Arsenal make one change from the first leg, fortifying their midfield by bringing in Xhaka, who is fit again, at the expense of Ozil; I can't think why Emery deemed him unsuitable for Napoli away. Six of Arsenal's started also started at Watford on Monday night, where Arsenal got away with one. If they play like that tonight, they're in serious danger of going out.
Napoli change two of their back four following their first leg capitulation. No doubt to the intense amusement and trepidation of Spurs fans, Chiriches is in at centre-back, so Maksimovic moves over to right-back and Hysaj drops out, while Ghoulam replaces Rui on the other side. The midfield four are the same - if Napoli are to win this tie, this is where it will happen - and up front, Milik is in for Mertens, which suggests a more direct style.