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When was the last great international competition? Erm, um, ah ... Euro 2000? When was the last great Champions League? It's happening right now; it's always happening right now. And this semi-final tie encapsulates why. Hardly anyone thought Liverpool could eliminate Manchester City and yet they did, dispensing a savage kicking in a ferocious atmosphere; and hardly anyone thought Roma could eliminate Barcelona and yet they did, dispensing a different kind of savage kicking in a different kind of ferocious atmosphere. As such, no one knows for certain what will happen in this semi-final tie, and yet everyone knows for absolute certain that whatever does happen, it will be unmissable. As human beings, it is our compulsion and it is our duty to wade right in.

Champions League / Semi-final
Anfield / 24.04.2018
Live Updates
Dan Quarrell

Updated 24/04/2018 at 21:40 GMT+1

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Roma need to do something about this, now, because if they don't the tie will be over before they get in for half-time. Liverpool win a corner down the right, Salah curls in, and Lovren is free at the back post! He has so much time, but trying to do too much, he heads against the bar!
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WHAT A GOAL! WHAT A GOAL! Liverpool 1-0 Roma (Salah) Dzeko dallies on the ball 40 yards from goal, Henderson hunts him down, Wijnaldum scavenges, and finds Firmino, again on the right, He feeds Salah who comes inside, of course he does, to curl a beauty towards the far top corner, arcing over Alisson's drive, kissing the bar, and that is absolutely expletive brilliant.
Again, Firmino finds space and feeds Salah who takes the ball in stride as he comes inside. But Jesus is there to stop him ... but it's coming.
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Milner feeds Robertson, who crosses low, and Mane sticks it in! But he's well offside! He had no need to go so early, but Liverpool are going to score if Roma don't sort themselves. They're getting swamped.
Roma's midfield has vanished.
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Liverpool are steaming into Roma now, and Salah cuts in from the left but can only curl straight at Alisson.
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LIVERPOOL HAVE WOKEN UP! Roma get caught again, a ball over the top finding Firmino out on the right. A turn inside sends Kolarov off for a bag of chips and he crosses low towards the penalty spot where Mane lurks! This time it's on his right foot, but he just can't get his arse around it, and again can only larrup high!
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WHAT A MISS! Liverpool take advantage of a bouncing ball in midfield, Firmino killing it with leaping touch and sending a pass into space and over halfway, Mane chasing away and leaving Fazio eating dust. But he doesn't alter his body-shape to finish with his right foot, instead ramming high over the bar with his left as the keeper dives low. That was naughty.
Milner lifts in the free-kick, but Jesus clears. Firmino then pulls outside the box, right-hand side, and curls a tame cross into Alisson's gloves.
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Jesus is late on Mane, imparting studs to instep. Free-kick Liverpool, 35 yards out, pretty much dead centre. It's a long old while for Jesus to avoid another booking.
But one hoik gets Salah into a tussle with Jesus, who looks as dodgy as he is; he gets the ball away, but only just.
Roma are in control now. Their midfield has too much for Liverpool's which is there to win possession high up and get rid as soon as possible, rather than outmanouevre intelligent opposition. As such, Salah, Firmino and Mane are feeding on scraps of scraps.
Kolarov finds Cenzgiz down the left of the box and Lovreinstein is there to swipe at his legs for no reason and no gain. If yerman goes down, the ref has a decision to make, but he doesn't and Liverpool escape.
Oxlade-Chamberlain is on a stretcher. The way his knee jarred there did not look at all good. Let's hope it's just a knock.
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Florenzi's corner is poor and cleared, but outside the box, left side, Kolarov picks up and shoots. It's a rising effort, though as threatening as a pair of rubber pants ... and yet Karius contrives to flap it onto the bar like a man in a strait-jacket trying to catch air.
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On comes Wijnaldum for Oxlade-Chamberlain.
Roma are coming. Florenzi into Dzeko again, a lovely flick around the corner finds Cengiz, and he wins a corner.
Oxlade-Chamberlain is diddled, poor chap. He's absolutely gutted, as you would be, and in the meantime Lovren has to nod away Kolarov's cross.
He's knacked his knee, and Wijnaldum is warming up fairly vigorously.
Kolarov chugs past Oxlade-Chamberlain, who scythes into a foul and hurts his own self. On comes the physio.
Florenzi finds Dzeko, who controls with a very pleasant touch, finding Nainggolan who finds Kolarov. His cross isn't flat enough or whipped enough, so Karius catches, but the move itself was a decent example of what Roma are looking to do.