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Welcome to our LIVE coverage of the Champions League final between Barcelona and Manchester United at Wembley!

Champions League / Final
Wembley / 28.05.2011
Live Updates

Here is a photo gallery of Barcelona fans riding lions in Trafalgar Square, people on the hunt for tickets and the like.
To get you in the mood, here is a selection of the best finals in European Cup/Champions League history:
On Twitter, @RossiIvanova asks: "Do you expect a surprising move by SAF like starting with only one forward?" I don't - Hernandez's pace and movement have been really important in giving Rooney space to rediscover his form. If Fergie has a trick up his sleeve it could be in the form of Darren Fletcher. And there's the O'Shea/Fabio/Rafael conundrum at right-back.
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Wayne Rooney has just Tweeted: "Thx for all good luck messages. Listening to the beatles now just relaxing in hotel. Can't wait for game. Were ready." So - what Beatles song is most appropriate for tonight's game? Help! The End? Fixing A Hole (in the troublesome right-back position)? Help me out here...
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Down on the comments, board, the mysteriously-named 'R' asks: "Why do man u have to play in the white kit?" Simply because Barcelona are the designated home team and get first choice of kit.
This is the culmination of a week of live build-up - we have been running a ticker all week with news, tweets and user comments - click the link to take a look.
My name's Alex Chick, and I'll be with you until the final whistle tonight - you can leave comments on the message board below, or get in touch via Twitter.
As you might have realised, there's the best part of six hours until kick-off, but we will be bringing you all the latest news from the stadium, along photos, user interaction and some of the best bits of this week's build-up.