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Semtex ready for comeback

ByTNT Sports

Updated 16/07/2010 at 14:53 GMT+1

We caught up with Briton Paul 'Semtex' Daley ahead of this weekend's MMA event Impact FC 2 in Sydney, where he will make his comeback against Brazil's Daniel Acacio after being banned from UFC.

Paul Daley

Image credit: Eurosport

What do you expect from your opponent in Sydney Daniel Acacio?
He is a tough fighter, very durable. I think it makes for an entertaining fight.
What are your key strengths in terms of the various MMA disciplines? Which are you working on especially for this challenge - and why?
My striking is my major strength, but I work to develop all areas of my game. I like to knock people out, so I stick with what I’m good at as my main weapon.
How were you approached to fight in the event? What can you tell us about Impact?
My management was contacted by the promotion. I like the promoters ideas too, just put on exciting match-ups, leave the bulls**t behind and make great fights.
How long have you been in training? When did you arrive in Australia?
I have been training since the (Josh) Koscheck fight, I don’t stop. I went to Thailand for one week, and have now been in Australia for one week prior to the fight to help me adjust to the time zone.
How big a blow to your career was the incident with Koscheck? Has it changed anything about your outlook?
I have goals, being in the UFC was only one of them - we will see what the future holds.
You said recently that money talks in UFC and that Dana White would have to take you back if you were winning fights. How many do you think you will have to win to convince him?
I don’t think that can be said, and it’s not my concern. I just want to keep fighting, winning, and improving as a fighter and person.
You issued a public apology. Would you speak direct to Dana to apologise in person and try and talk him round?
Talk him round no, that’s his decision as to whether he wants me in his company or not. Apologise face to face, yes.
If you were unable to persuade him, how do you see your career path developing in future?
As above, keep fighting, keep winning, keep improving.
How did you come by the nickname ‘Semtex’?
Me and a friend came up with it. Kinda describes my fighting style.
Paul Daley faces Daniel Acacio on the undercard of Ken Shamrock v Pedro Rizzo at Impact FC 2, 'The Uprising', in Sydney on Sunday.
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