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How the Spanish GP exposes driver differences


Published 08/05/2018 at 17:51 GMT+1

This week's Motorsport Show explores how the Spanish Grand Prix offers the perfect opportunity to examine the different styles between Formula 1 drivers.


Image credit: TNT Sports

In his track guide, host Peter Windsor declares that the top drivers are "really on it" through the sweeps of Turns 1, 2 and 3 as he picks out the places to separate the good grand prix drivers from the greats.
"Mid-corner [Turns 1/2] is where you really see some interesting work on the steering and the way they are coming off the brake, if you can identify the way the nose is tucking in for the second part of the chicane," he says.
"I love watching on the inside of Turn 2 as the cars prepare for Turn 3.
"It's uphill, very fast and probably flat in qualifying. The drivers that are really on it will have a beautiful change of direction there."
The different approaches afforded by Turn 4 make it one of two places to see how four-time champion Sebastian Vettel "Vs" a corner off.
Windsor points out that the big bank outside Turn 4 also affords a view of Turn 9 if spectators turn 180 degrees.
"It's really, really fast, a blind approach, and to the left of Turn 9 there's a gap in the grandstands, which does funnel air if there's wind blowing, and that's where there's a crosswind," says Windsor.
"The drivers can really feel that. They come out of the corner very tippy-toe because of the elevation change."
The final part of the lap that gets Windsor excited is Turn 12: "The ultimate Sebastian Vettel corner.
"If you want to see the way he's different to anybody else, the way he 'Vs' the corner, this is the way to see it.
"He goes in virtually straight [and has a] very slow rotation mid-corner. It is the 'V'.
"Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo are completely different."
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