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Hamilton: I'll sort Rosberg row like Senna


Updated 24/05/2014 at 17:50 GMT+1

Lewis Hamilton says he will resolve tension with Mercedes Formula 1 team-mate Nico Rosberg in the same way that Ayrton Senna dealt with Alain Prost.

Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg (Reuters)

Image credit: Reuters

Hamilton refused to answer directly when asked if he felt Rosberg had deliberately gone off to prompt a yellow flag when they were fighting for Monaco Grand Prix pole position - a result that Rosberg secured following his Mirabeau incident.
But in an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live, Hamilton did admit: "I should have known that was going to happen" and replied "potentially" when asked if Rosberg had tried to spoil his pole shot.
Subsequently asked if he needed to sort out the issue with Rosberg, Hamilton compared their situation to Senna and Prost's explosive rivalry when McLaren team-mates.
"I don't know if Senna and Prost talked about it but I quite liked the way Senna dealt with that so I'll take a page out of his book," Hamilton replied.
Senna and Prost's relationship deteriorated after a dispute over a pre-race agreement at the 1989 San Marino Grand Prix.
The dispute rapidly escalated, with the pair colliding at Suzuka in both 1989 and 1990 when disputing world championships.
Prost had left for Ferrari by the time of the second clash, which Senna subsequently admitted had been deliberate.
Asked if felt Rosberg should apologise for the Monaco incident, Hamilton added: "Why does he have to apologise? He's on pole position."
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