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FA chairman sets Qatar 2022 victory target for England

ByPA Sport

Updated 05/09/2013 at 07:22 GMT+1

Greg Dyke has set England's performance targets for the next decade: the semi-finals of Euro 2020 and victory at the Qatar World Cup.

Greg Dyke wants England to win the 2022 World Cup

Image credit: PA Sport

In a lengthy and wide-ranging speech Dyke laid out his vision for the future.
And, whilst the central theme of his speech was addressing the "frightening trend" of the reduction in the number of English players in the Premier League, he has also set the bar very high for the standard by which England need to be measured.
"The two targets I have for the England team are - one, to at least reach the semi-finals of Euro 2020," said Dyke.
"Two, win the World Cup in 2022."
But the new Football Association chairman also warned that international success was in danger citing that just 32% of Premier League regulars were qualified to play for England last season, a record low, and called on the national game to find a solution in order to help its country prosper.
"The issue, quite simply, is this: in the future it’s quite possible we won’t have enough players qualified to play for England who are playing regularly at the highest level in this country or elsewhere in the world," said Dyke.
"As a result, it could well mean England’s teams are unable to compete seriously on the world stage.”
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